Wellness Adventure to Mexico

11-15 February 2024

Luxury. Mysticism. Deep healing.

The moment you decide to live with courage, purpose and connection is the beginning of an unforgettable discovery of your higher self.

You are invited to this journey of bliss, awakening, reconnection, expansion and absolute relaxation.

Nourish your soul

…in this adventure, where the only requirement is your desire to feel happier, healthier and more connected with your purpose.

We will stay in a beautiful holistic resort surrounded by one of the most magical mountain ranges in the center of Mexico.

Your body will start feeling stronger, mobile and free after the grounding yoga practice each morning.

You will connect with others and find yourself decompressing in a loving net of support that builds up very easy when people gather without the need to impress anyone.

Happier, healthier, radiant

You will start every day with a morning yoga practice followed by a delicious, nutritious breakfast.

We will explore the surroundings that can include a day trip to the magical town of Taxco or a tour to the ruins of Xochicalco, a visit to the local artisans market or a walk to the mountains.

Between the fixed activities in the calendar, there will be plenty of time to rest, receive a delightful massage, connect with others, go on walks, spend time alone, enjoy the lovely swimming pool, the labyrinth or any other of the exquisite facilities that our venue has to offer.

Going on a wellness retreat allows you to step out of the everyday’s mechanical energy, helps reset your nervous system and brings you an ultimate feeling of clarity and stability.

What’s included:

4 nights (5 days) in single or double accomodation in a room designed with bioenergetical Feng Shui techniques

All meals with vibrant and nutritional foods (special dietary requests can be met)

Day-long coffee break

Daily morning yoga practice

Afternoon mindful practices for the soul

Excursion to the ruins of Xochicalco

Excursion to the silver minery town of Taxco

Temazcal (Sweat Lodge) ceremony

Labyrinth tour

Transportation to/from Mexico City’s airport

Full access to the hotel’s outstanding facilities

Transportation throughout the whole retreat

Taxes and Tips

What’s not included:


Travel Insurance

Souvenirs, drinks and food during the towns sightseeing

Among the most magical mountains, immerse yourself in the joy of being alive.

The meals and drinks

You will nurture your body with nutritious, mostly organic, creative, colorful, local foods that will allow your system to function properly and create space to open up for your healing and regeneration.

An ongoing coffee bar with warm and cold drinks and snacks will be available at all times, during the day.

The best part, no cooking or cleaning or anything else than just showing up to a date with your senses, wondering about the tasteful ingredients and the sparkling fresh smells.

The rooms

All rooms are different and all of them have a private bathroom.

You can choose to stay in double acommodation with twin beds or single acommodation in a double bed.

There are Standard rooms, Superior rooms and lovely Suites (upon request).

You can choose to travel solo and stay in a twin room, I will make my best to acommodate you with someone with similar characteristics.

These rooms promise to make you feel comfortable, safe and extremely cozy.

  • The retreat far exceeded my expectations!

    I am refreshed physically and mentally and continuing with my health journey! such a supportive group !

    Donna Lee Peteja

  • I had such a wonderful, life affirming time!

    Regina is an excellent Yoga instructor. She is a very intuitive teacher and seems to know exactly what help a student needs to improve their practice. I thoroughly enjoyed my first Yoga Retreat and plan to enjoy more in the future. The villa we stayed at in Tuscany was absolutely gorgeous and the staff were extremely accommodating, helpful and courteous. I couldn't have asked for a better experience!

    Kathy Mc Carthy

  • Totally recommended!

    It was an amazing experience to attend Regina’s yoga class. She is not only a very professional yoga instructor but also very caring and sweet. I love her passion, creativity, and wisdom that she shares during classes. Totally recommended!

    Simona Kofanov

  • The practice I experience in her classes helps me also to live more conscious life.

    I am very delighted with the way Regina teaches yoga and the wisdom she shares with us, always welcoming and caring. The practice I experience in her classes helps me also to live more conscious life.

    Bilyana Karamfilova

  • Var med på Islands turen 2021

    Kan kun anbefales fantastisk rejse for krop og sjæl. Den utrolig smukke natur, det fed ved at bo langt væk fra alt, være en flok sammen som alle er der for at få det bedste ud af turen. Max hygge og fedt at møde nye mennesker, gode snakke Mega afstressende yoga kombineret med natur og godt selskab.

    - Lisbeth Friis Petersen

  • Der var alle faciliteter man kunne ønske sig

    Mit første yoga retreat nogensinde var på Helgenæs under kyndig yoga ledelse ved Regina Pacheco. Hun havde fundet det skønneste sted helt ud på spidsen af Helgenæs i beroligende omgivelser. Der var alle faciliteter man kunne ønske sig og rigtig sund og veltilsmagt varieret vegetarmad.

    Der var både tid til gåture langs ved Helgenæs flotte kyst, til hygge, snak, stilhed og masser af varieret yoga. Min ryg havde det så meget bedre efter den weekend! Og ligesom til Regina’s ugentlige yogatimer i Egå forsamlingshus så har hun altid noget på hjerte, som giver stof til eftertanke. Yoga hos Regina er super prof og noget helt særligt. Kan varmt anbefales!

    - Anne-Marie Gebbnik

  • Regina er virkelig dygtig, sød og meget engageret.

    Jeg bor for langt væk til de almindelige yoga timer, men har deltaget i workshops og retreats (både på Island og på Helgenæs). Hvis du leder efter en god yoga-oplevelse, skal du prøve Regina Pacheco yoga. Selvom undervisningen er på engelsk, er det super nemt at følge med.

    Charlotte Veiss-Pedersen

Exploring the Surroundings

Immerse in the ancient wisdom and rich culture that this mexican region has to offer.

You will embark in daily excursions where the main focus is to give you a new perspective of life according to how the ancient inhabitants used to live, how they related to Mother Earth, the stars and reflected on each other.

Be inspired by this wisdom and follow your inner guidance towards finding the clarity for the upcoming chapter of your life.

Taxco, Guerrero

Lovely town of hilly cobblestone small streets is also the Silver mines site by excellence, where all kinds of objects made of silver can be purchased and observed.

Colonial town, flower courtyards, lovely plazas, baroque monuments and the world’s famous cathedral, Santa Prisca.


This pre-columbian UNESCO World Heritage site is a heart expanding visit to the what life looked like about 2300 years ago. With well preserved pyramids, temples, ball court, museum and an ancient observatory.

Powerful and inspiring.

Tepoztlán, Morelos

This is the town where our home venue is located. Named as one of Mexico’s “Magical Towns” for its very special charm and powerful energy.

Laying in the base of some very special mountains, Tepoztlan has been the home for many artists and intellectuals from different times, who appreciated the stunning nature and the great possibilities of connection that this place can offer.


Double accommodation Standard: usd 1,550

Single accommodation Standard: usd 1,915

Deluxe suites optional upon request

You can pay in full or in 3 payments.

A non-refundable deposit of usd 500 is due to save your spot.

Date: 11-15 February 2024

Are you a photographer and yogi?

I’m open for collaborations. Reach out to me if you would like to join the retreat while you capture unforgettable moments.

Strandgaarden Retreat - Winter Retreat with Regina Pacheco

Hey, I’m Regina and I will have the pleasure to host you in this unforgettable experience.

I am Mexican and we' ll be visiting the area where I grew up. I will be so happy to show you some of my favourite places, hidden gems and truly outstanding sites.

I currently live in Denmark where I teach yoga classes, workshops and retreats.

I’m looking so much forward to share this journey of enjoyment and inner transformation with you.

Do you still have questions?

Please contact me. I will be so happy to tell you more. 

See you in the retreat.

Warm hugs,



Retreat to Mols Bjerge, Denmark

April 5-7, 2024

Retreat to Tuscany

July 27- August 2, 2024

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